Desley stocks a range of practitioner products including:
- Metagenics, Orthoplex, Mediherb, Designs for Health, Bio Practica
- Herbal Extracts and Mediherb Tinctures
- DynaPharm Herbal & Mineral Formulas
- Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics
DynaPharm Herbal / Mineral / Homeopathic blends
Two kits available:
- Family First Aid Formulas - 5 x 15ml dropper bottles
Fever, Respiratory, Infection, Congestion, Runny Nose
- Healthy Baby Herbal Formulas - 5 x 15ml dropper bottles
Lactation, Teething, Colic, Calming, and General Wellbeing tonic
Also, a wide range of formulas are available in 15ml, 25ml, or 50ml bottles for the treatment of:
Allergies, colic, congestion, colds & mucus, diarhhoea, dermatis & eczema, fever and acute illness, infections, irritability and sleeplessness, loss of appetite, skin problems, teething, vomiting, and more.
Formulas can be specifically tailored to suit individual requirements.
Please contact us for more information.